Program Analyzes Music Bpm

Written by: Christiaan Maks @ 9/1/2019
  1. Is there a program that analyzes the songs in your music library and compares them to each other / groups similar songs together? BPM, instruments, singer's voice.
  2. BPM Studio Pro is an MP3 DJ system for professional DJs, discos, bar restaurant owners, dancing schools, radio stations, and other entertainment centers.
  3. The key and BPM values in the database are provided by Spotify who use their own estimation algorithms to find key and BPM. The analysis results you get from uploading audio files to this page come from different algorithms that are run on Tunebat servers. Due to the algorithms being different, sometimes the results are different.

So this question gets asked a lot. There is no clear yes or no answer here, it's mostly subjective and heavily depends on the type of music you play. The only thing I can do is explain how it works and help you figure out if you should be using dynamic analysis in Rekordbox.

Let's go through everything.

What is dynamic BPM?

Every track has a BPM (Beats Per Minute) value. This is the average amount of beats per minute over the whole track. This is one single value without dynamic BPM.

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With dynamic BPM, this value can change at any point in the track. So instead of a singular BPM value, you now have any number of values. In Rekordbox this translates to beat markers. Dynamic BPM has multiple beat markers instead of just one.

How does Rekordbox handle dynamic BPM?

Rekordbox has an option to analyze tracks with dynamic BPM, but it's hidden in the Preferences menu. By default, Rekordbox analyzes with a static BPM, so it will create only one beat marker.

With dynamic BPM analysis enabled, Rekordbox will create a new beat marker every time it detects a tempo change. In theory this sounds great, but in practice it means Rekordbox adds tons of beat markers.

You can manually add beat markers too. This should be your preferred method with electronic tracks that change tempo mid-way. More on this below.

Rekordbox dynamic BPM analysis quality

The quality of dynamic BPM analysis seems to vary. You should be aware about this.

It might seem like a good idea to analyze tracks with dynamic BPM, because why not. Rekordbox can tell that this track is electronic and the BPM is 128 the entire track, so of course Rekordbox will end up with one beat marker. Sadly this is far from the truth.

For an electronic/EDM track that has one big tempo change (e.g. going from house to trap) it sounds really useful for Rekordbox to detect this automatically. But even with music created by a computer, Rekordbox can't seem to decide on a BPM.

For example, when analyzing techno tracks with the most steady BPM there is, Rekordbox still adds way too many beat markers. I've seen tracks with 180 beat markers. That's a tempo change every few seconds.

All the beat markers Rekordbox adds differ by about 0.01 BPM and gets corrected a few beat markers later. This doesn't contribute anything to your preparation because knowing the BPM with a single beat marker would be superior.

When is dynamic BPM useful?

If you have an electronic track such as techno, the BPM is almost always going to be the same during the whole track. Since electronic/EDM tracks are made with software and not live instruments, the BPM is steady at exact intervals.

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Now if you are mixing tracks that aren't made with software but recorded in a studio or live performance then the human element is introduced. Even professional musicians can't be as accurate as a computer. The BPM will vary slightly during the track and cause your beatgrid to be out of sync with the music. This is hardly noticeable at the start but near the end of the track it can be very noticeable.

Music that might benefit from dynamic BPM are genres like rock, jazz, funk, soul and more. Or if your music comes from vinyl, you may find dynamic BPM helpful. If you're not sure if your music came from vinyl, then it probably didn't. Downloads, CD's, Beatport, iTunes, it's all digital.

Electronic/EDM music almost never needs dynamic BPM. Only when a track has a tempo change mid-way can dynamic BPM be useful, but it's better to set a beat marker manually. Read more about that below.

How do I enable dynamic BPM analysis?

The option enable dynamic BPM is in the Rekordbox preferences menu under the Analysis tab.

How do I manually add a BPM marker?

Sometimes you find a track that has a tempo change mid-way in the track. Maybe this is a House track that starts at 128 BPM but switches to Trap at 100 BPM after the first breakdown. Obviously mixing after it changes to 100 BPM is very hard since Rekordbox thinks it still runs at 128 BPM. Your choice is to turn off quantize and mix by hearing (an important skill to have by the way!) or prepare your track with a second beat marker.

Adding a second beat marker would be your best option here. The track has two distinct BPM's so two beat markers would be good here.

Adding a beat marker is pretty simple. First go to the grid menu under your track:

Now click the BPM adjustment button to add a beat marker where your marker is now.

You've just split the BPM of the track into two. But both are still set to the same. You can change them by setting your desired BPM in the BPM field:

As you move through the track, you'll notice the BPM changing when you cross this point. That's it.

When to use dynamic BPM?

Now back to the question at hand. Should you be analyzing your tracks with dynamic BPM?

This mostly depends on the type of music you play.

If you only play electronic music (techno, house, drum & bass, etc) then I'd absolutely advise you to turn dynamic BPM off. The occasional track with a tempo change should be done manually.

If you mix instrumental music like rock, jazz, soul or funk then you can consider turning it on. I'd advise you to analyze a few tracks with dynamic BPM and try it out. If you don't notice a difference, just leave it off.

So on or off?

In my experience (as EDM DJ) it's best to turn dynamic BPM off. In the few tracks you come across that have a tempo change mid-way, you should add a second beat marker. You can let Rekordbox analyze these dynamically and hope for the best but so few tracks have a tempo change it's not really worth it.

A DJ must know their tracks so if you have tracks with tempo changes, it's good to set beat markers manually just to be familiar with the tracks. Imagine not realizing your track suddenly drops to 100 BPM as you're about to mix your next house track at 128 BPM, that's catastrophic.

If you have any questions or comments, let me know!


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As big proponents of harmonic mixing, the DJ TechTools staff started out with a simple question: which program that analyzes a song’s key gives the most accurate results? To find out, we looked up the keys using sheet music for a selection of 50 pop/rock songs and then analyzed those songs using four key-detecting apps: BeaTunes 2, Mixed In Key 4, MixMeister Fusion and Rapid Evolution 2. Read on to find out the results.


For our 50 test songs comprising recent hits and vintage classics (in MP3 and AAC formats), I took the keys from the digital sheet music site and compared those keys with each software program’s results. The Camelot System wheel was used to determine if an analyzed key was not correct but compatible with the actual key. The Camelot System assigns all keys an alpha-numeric value; and for example, keys compatible with 4A are 3A, 5A and 4B: plus or minus one number or the same number with a different letter. Scroll all the way down for tables with all the specific results.

Correct: 14 (28%)

Compatible: 18 (36%)

Incorrect: 18 (36%)

What else it does: BeaTunes 2 is an excellent complimentary program for iTunes. It helps you clean up your iTune Library by finding and correcting errors in the artist, album, title and other tags; searching for and adding other metadata such as album artwork, organizes songs with a color-coding system; determines BPM automatically or manually; and more. All of its changes are reflected in iTunes as well.

Price: $31.95 US for Mac or Windows

Correct: 15 (30%)

Compatible: 18 (36%)

Incorrect: 17 (34%)

What else it does: Not much besides tempo and key analysis. Its preference options for adding BPM/key to the file name, as well as different ID3 tags, are great.

Price: $58 US for Mac or Windows

Walking Music Bpm

Correct: 7 (14%)

Compatible: 14 (28%)

Incorrect: 29 (58%)

Bpm Software

What else it does: MixMeister Fusion is a full-feautred, professional-level DJ software for creating and editing DJ mixes or DJing live with a digital audio workstation-style, timeline-based interface. A couple of the many notable features include mixing up to 8 tracks as once and support for VST effects.

Price: $329.95 for Mac or Windows (key detection also available in Mixmeister Studio for $199.95)

Correct: 15 (30%)

Compatible: 14 (28%)

Incorrect: 21 (42%)

What else it does: RE2 is an intelligently designed DJ utility made to use both and preparation for and during your sets. Besides tempo and key detection, it includes tap tempo and a software MIDI keyboard for you to work out BPM and key yourself, normalizing,time/pitch shift processing, live audio input analysis, key lock and more. You can save Mixouts, where you comment on mixes between particular songs. In addition, the MixShare website hosts a large harmonic mixing forum and a database of track information for hundreds of thousands of songs shared by RE2 users.

Price: Free for Mac or Windows (donations encouraged)


It should be said that this test can only provide a look at the accuracy of each of these programs relative to each other, rather than an assessment of the overall accuracy. I was surprised at the number of incorrect readings for each program. I’ve seen some other similar tests with higher percentages for Correct and Compatible readings, so there may some particularly difficult songs in my test batch.

However, we can tell that that Mixed In Key 4 has the better numbers by a razor thin margin. MixMeister only gave out minor key results for some reason, which really hurt its stats.

Because Mixed In Key, BeaTunes and Rapid Evolution were statistically comparable, it comes down to which of those programs’ other features you want, as well as perhaps price.

Program Analyzes Music Bpm Music

My personal favorite is Mixed In Key, because it gives your results in the alpha-numeric Camelot System values — which is easier for mixing — processes files quickly and gives you some good options for how you want the key and BPM information to be added to the file name and to the file’s tags. However, it doesn’t do much more than key and BPM analysis, and it costs the most of the top-performing three.

Program Analyzes Music Bpm Download

As a free download, Rapid Evolution 2 gives you many interesting features besides key and tempo detection. and it makes up for not giving you the Camelot System numbers (User error: you CAN get the Camelot Sytem numbers in RE2 in the Keycode field.) You can look at only songs that are in a compatible key range, as well as similar in style and tempo.